Greenfaulds High School Mentoring Sessions

Mentoring sessions at Greenfaulds High School, Cumbernauld.

Greenfaulds Secondary School 

Between November 2022 and January 2023, Amey hosted six mentoring sessions at Greenfaulds High School, Cumbernauld with S5 pupils. The sessions were designed to support the pupils’ employability skills through working on their CVs, interview skills, and looking at their personal branding. 

The pupils enjoyed the sessions, saying that the sessions were “good because I learned how to write a CV” and that “the workshop was detailed, and I know more about applying for jobs”. 

Amey continued their support at Greenfaulds, attending a careers fair which was open to all pupils and parents on Tuesday 17th of January 2023. The purpose of the careers fair was to allow pupils and parents to ask questions about available roles to help inform career routes in the future. 

Finally, Amey also attended a carousel event with senior pupils. At this event, pupils went to each table for 10 minutes to discuss the company, what they did, and other job roles available in the business.