Irvine Beach Clean 2023

Irvine Beach Clean 2023

Great British Beach Clean 2023 

On Thursday 21st September 2023, 18 members of the Amey South-West team took part in a group litter pick on Irvine Beach in partnership with the Marine Conservation Society for the Great British Beach Clean 2023.  

Litter is a huge problem across our whole network, with our road workers risking their lives just to be able to clean it up. Careless littering by road users eventually ends up impacting marine life as it can be discharged into the sea via rivers or sewerage pipes, or washed into the sea by the wind and rain. 

Our team were joined by Primary 6 and 7 pupils at Loudon Montgomery Primary School who helped pick litter and it was a great, if blustery, day with a total of 40 bags of litter collected from the beach. The team even helped jump start someone’s car! To support the event, the Irvine Clean Up Crew kindly offered their litter picking equipment for use.  

Find out more about the Marine Conservation Society here: Marine Conservation Society | Home (