A78 Weymss Bay

Essential drainage upgrades on A78 Wemyss Bay

A78 Shore Road to Weymss Bay Road Junction

Essential drainage upgrade work is taking place on the A78 Wemyss Bay, from Shore Road to Wemyss Bay Road Junction.

Unfortunately, these works have been extended due to the presence of historic utilities and ground conditions that prevented the new drainage system from being installed as planned. The uncovered utilities are at different depths than those indicated during the investigation process, and some additional services were also uncovered that we had not been informed about.

Despite our best endeavours to obtain information on the existing utilities - including CCTV surveys of drains and the use of a Ground Penetrating Radar (GPRS) survey to identify surface locations and depths - we had to rely on the utility plans, some of which proved to be inaccurate.

We could not have foreseen the rock level at the lower levels of the excavation until this was uncovered, and this has also severely obstructed the works. It meant work could not be completed with conventional excavation.

We are working with utility providers to develop a revised plan that will ensure the new drainage system can be accessed and is not crossing over with their assets. While this is taking place, remedial repairs are being made to the elements of the drainage system that will remain and will connect to the new carrier drain.

A further update on these works, and the next stage of works is to be issued shortly. In the meantime, temporary traffic lights remain in operation on the A78 at Shore Road for the safety of road operatives and road users.

We thank road users and residents for their continued patience while this important flood prevention work is completed.