Clean Air Day 2023

Amey South-West Trunk Roads support Clean Air Day 2023.

Today, Thursday 15th June 2023, marks Clean Air Day.  

Clean Air Day is the UK’s largest air pollution campaign by environmental charity Global Action Plan, in partnership with Environmental Protection Scotland, which aims to raise awareness about air pollution, share information, and ultimately, make our air cleaner and safer for everyone.  

This year’s theme is: Clean up the air to look after your mind this #CleanAirDay 

Studies have shown that people who breathe in polluted air are more likely to develop conditions such as asthma, heart disease and certain cancers, and air pollution has also been linked to depression, anxiety and dementia. This can be caused when a person breathes in polluted air and small pollution particles can enter through the lungs into the blood stream, where they can reach the brain. 

In its seventh year, Clean Air Day encourages everyone to: 

  • Learn about how air pollution affects our mental and physical health, as well as its environmental effects. 
  • Act on their own contributions to air pollution. Walk, wheel or take public transport to work, or try leaving the car behind one day a week! 
  • Ask your local representatives to support clean air measures that will make it easier for everyone to breathe clean air. 

Amey Transport Infrastructure in Scotland are supporting this year’s campaign through educating our employees and promoting behavioural change to combat air pollution. For 2023, we have refreshed and relaunched our Fuel-Efficient Driving briefs. Driving fuel-efficient only requires small changes that can make a BIG difference and each quarter, our most efficient drivers are recognised through the Amey Green Driver initiative. In addition, we have launched a Green Travel Survey to assess what barriers our employees face in commuting more sustainably and its results will inform future Green Travel Plans for our contracts. Amey South-West Trunk Roads’ Fleet is currently being reviewed by an Energy Saving Trust Sustainable Transport Co-ordinator and the report will provide fleet decarbonisation recommendations.   

No matter what type of vehicle you drive, we can all improve fuel efficiency and reduce emissions. Fuel savings of up to 15% can be made just by how we CHOOSE to drive.  

Here are some techniques to help you drive more efficiently!